Dos and Don’ts for a Smoother Mini Facelift Recovery

facelift recoveryA mini facelift can be an effective way to reduce facial aging and restore your confidence in your appearance. As a double board-certified plastic surgeon who has specialized in mini facelifts for over 25 years, I have seen men and women in their 40s and beyond enjoy the benefits of this procedure. Before your results are visible, though, you’ll need to get through the recovery phase of your surgery.

Fortunately, mini facelifts like my Band Aid Mini Facelift offer a quicker recovery than traditional facelifts. Still, there are steps you can take to make your healing process smoother and easier. Start with these dos and don’ts.

Do Plan Ahead to Make Your Home Accessible

In the first days after your cosmetic surgery, all you’ll want to do is relax in bed and let your body’s healing process work. To make sure you’re as comfortable as possible, make a list of the things you might need during this time and bring it to your bedside. This could include certain books, electronics, craft projects, and so on, as well as items like tissues, water bottles, and surgery-safe pain relievers that don’t conflict with your other medications.

For items in other areas of the house, like food items in the kitchen and personal care items in the bathroom, put them on the counter or somewhere else that’s easy to access. You don’t want to strain to get items that are on high shelves, and you don’t want to bend down to get items on low shelves because it increases the blood flow to your face while it heals.

Preparing your home should also involve picking up so you have clear pathways around the house. You’ll need to walk around a bit while you recover, and you don’t want to risk tripping and falling.

Don’t Get a More Invasive Surgery Than You Need

There are varying degrees of facelift surgeries you can receive. For example, my Band Aid Micro Mini Facelift is my least invasive facial rejuvenation surgery, while the next step up is my Band Aid Mini Facelift followed by a traditional facelift. As a surgeon, at each patient’s consultation, I assess their facial aging, discuss their goals, and determine the least invasive way to create the results they want.

Do Prepare Your Support System

Every surgery recovery works better as a team effort, and that includes a mini facelift recovery. You need a support system of people who are available to help you if you need help, keep your spirits up, and make your healing process smoother. You don’t need to tell everyone you know about your surgery, but it’s important to have a few people you trust who know about the procedure and are prepared to help.

Don’t Hesitate to Ask Questions

Every patient’s recovery from mini facelift surgery is unique. While I try to prepare each patient by giving them an idea of what they can expect, it’s common for questions to arise while you heal. You may be experiencing a symptom and you wonder if it’s normal, for example, or you aren’t sure whether a particular medication is safe to take. As a surgeon, I’m happy to answer any questions you may have. Feel free to call with any questions that arise during your recovery.

Making Your Mini Facelift Recovery as Smooth as Possible

In my work as a plastic surgeon specializing in facial surgery, I may perform your mini facelift surgery, but my job doesn’t end there. I am here to help guide you through your recovery so that you can get back on your feet quickly and begin enjoying the results of your procedure. To begin the process, schedule a mini facelift consultation with me, Dr. John LeRoy, in Atlanta today. Be sure to follow me on Facebook and Twitter for more cosmetic surgery tips.