Frequently Asked Questions about Traditional Facelift Surgery

How does a facelift work?
A facelift (rhytidectomy), works to reduce the appearance of sagging jowls and other visible signs of aging in the face and neck. By removing the excess skin and tissue around the face, Dr. John LeRoy can decrease the appearance of wrinkles and deep creases, like those found around the mouth, nose, and on the forehead. Focusing on mostly the lower half of the face, the excess fat around the sides of the face and jaws will be removed and the underlying muscles tightened.

I am interested in facelift surgery but don’t want any scars on my face. Does a traditional facelift leave noticeable scarring?
Because the incisions are made along the hairline during a traditional facelift, the scarring should be hidden within the hair. However, a fine line will appear along the front of the ear and around the earlobe. For the most part, this scar is not noticeable.

I’ve heard of upper and lower facelifts. How are they different from a full facelift?
An upper facelift, or brow lift, focuses on rejuvenating the forehead and eye to reduce signs of aging like furrowed brows and wrinkles around the upper area of the face. The lower facelift, also referred to as a neck lift, focuses on reducing the amount of excess skin and fat along the neck and jaw. By minimizing excess skin, Dr. LeRoy can help reverse the signs of aging associated with lax muscles, loss of skin elasticity, and years of repeated facial expressions.

For those looking for more moderate rejuvenation, Dr. LeRoy recommends the Band Aid Facelift procedure. A Band Aid Facelift decreases signs of aging in specific areas of the face and is less complicated than a standard facelift procedure which means there is less recovery time.

How much downtime does a facelift require?
After a traditional facelift procedure, patients can expect to feel mild discomfort for the next few days. Within two weeks of surgery, the majority of patients are able to return to their daily routine. Because Dr. John LeRoy’s Band Aid Facelift procedure is minimally invasive and only requires gentle numbing, this procedure results in a shorter recovery period.

Dr. LeRoy often recommends facelift patients consider Band Aid Laser Skin Resurfacing as a finishing touch after a facelift, enhancing the surgical results and revealing younger skin along with your improved facial profile. Band Aid Laser Skin Resurfacing works to increase collagen production and smooth the skin’s tone and texture with DOT Laser Therapy.

For more information on traditional or Band Aid facelift procedures, Band Aid Laser Resurfacing, or to schedule a consultation, contact us. You can also keep up to date on news and specials when you follow us on Facebook and Twitter.