What Can Liposuction Do for My Body?

When it comes to cosmetic procedures, most patients tend to appreciate when they have options. We understand that each person has a specific end goal that they want to reach with plastic surgery. Dr. John LeRoy uses both traditional liposuction and Band Aid liposuction in-office with gentle numbing to allow for more choices with the degree and location of effective fat removal.

What Can Liposuction Do for My BodyThe versatile usage of liposuction

Liposuction is most frequently associated with the mid-section area of the body. Although it does efficiently sculpt this area, there are other prominent features that it can also successfully target. Dr. John LeRoy uses liposuction to remove excess fat from the following:

  • Arms
  • Abdomen
  • Love Handles (Flanks)
  • Inner or outer thighs
  • Hips
  • Double chin
  • Back
  • Bra area
  • Buttocks
  • Knee area

Stubborn areas of fat appear in different places, depending on an individual’s body type. The range of options that patients have with liposuction makes it a very versatile method of improving body shape.

How does liposuction work?

The liposuction process begins with an in-person consultation with Dr. John LeRoy to properly identify the specific locations that will be treated. Using a thin tube, fat deposit sites will be safely broken down. Then, the fat cells are carefully suctioned from the body to create a more thin and contoured shape. The full extent of a patient’s results will typically show a few weeks after their procedure. It’s important to note that liposuction isn’t a weight loss substitution. Patients should expect fantastic cosmetic results, but it’s not a substitute for managing obesity through proper diet and exercise.

Band Aid Liposuction

If you’re familiar with Dr. John LeRoy’s line of Band Aid procedures, then you know that they are designed for more subtle cosmetic results. The Band Aid Liposuction procedure is a refined approach to the traditional liposuction that we offer. It’s ideal for patients who only need small areas of fat removed to achieve their desired look. This cosmetic technique is performed in-office with gentle numbing and there is very minimal downtime required afterward. Results are commonly noticeable immediately after the treatment, which is another reason why it’s a popular option among many patients.

If you have any questions about our traditional liposuction or Band Aid liposuction procedures, call our office at 404.843.0840. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter for updates about cosmetic procedures and our monthly specials!