Three Anti-Aging Strategies for Younger Patients

Three Anti-Aging Strategies for Younger Patients

What some people tend to forget is that aging is a gradual process. Wrinkles, fine lines, sagging skin and age spots do not appear overnight, but rather build up over time. That’s why I always recommend that my younger patients start treatment earlier rather than later in order to maintain their youthful appearance. While there is no way to prevent aging, there are a variety of different treatments available to help slow down the aging process.

#1: Sun Protection

We all know that unprotected and prolonged exposure to the sun can lead to painful sunburns and skin cancer, but did you know that it can also contribute to aging? Sun damage can cause premature aging due to powerful UV rays that break down collagen and elastin. The lack of these two proteins can cause sagging skin, fine lines, wrinkles and age spots to develop quicker. Using SPF 30 or higher sunscreen, wearing protective clothing such as sunglasses and hats and avoiding prolonged sun exposure can help you slow down your aging process at any age.

#2: Neuromodulators

After years of repetitive facial expressions, the facial muscles become tense which can lead to wrinkles and fine lines developing around the eyes and forehead. Neuromodulator injections, such as Botox® and Dysport®, temporarily relax these muscles for up to three to four months at a time. Not only does this smooth your fine lines and by preventing the muscles from contracting, but it also slows down and in some cases stops wrinkles from worsening. Starting neuromodulator injections at a younger age can help to keep stubborn wrinkles and fine lines from developing early on.

#3: Minimally-Invasive Procedures

Many people notice the initial signs of aging but do not seriously consider undergoing a surgical procedure, like a facelift, until they are in their 60s or 70s. While receiving a facelift around that time does provide effective results, there is a large amount of tissue repositioning which can lead to a lengthy recovery time. That is why I recommend my signature Band Aid Mini Facelift to my younger patients in their 40s and 50s as a way to address the beginning signs of aging in a minimally invasive way. By undergoing a less extensive procedure, patients are less likely to need more invasive surgeries down the road.

Every person’s face, body and aesthetic goals are unique which means an individualized, tailored approach is a must when determining what anti-aging strategies are best for you. As a double board-certified plastic surgeon with over 30 years of experience, I have treated the signs of aging that appear on patients of various ages and body types. If you’re interested in learning more about how to slow down your aging process, schedule a consultation with me, Dr. John L. Leroy in Atlanta today. Also, follow along with me on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube for more plastic and cosmetic surgery insights.