Ask Dr. LeRoy: Are the Results of Liposuction Permanent?

Excess fat is a problem that nearly all of us have to some extent. In fact, as of 2014, the CDC reported that more than 70% of US adults were overweight. Even people with a healthy weight are often unhappy with the way their body fat is distributed, appearing as “bulges” in specific areas. That’s why liposuction has long been among the most popular cosmetic surgeries in the country. But is it truly the permanent solution many people think it is? Or will the fat return?

Your Guide to Plastic Surgery after Dramatic Weight LossTo understand how to get liposuction results that last, you first need to understand how your body’s fat cells work. There are exceptions to every rule, but here’s a generalized explanation: you have a certain number of fat cells distributed throughout your body. When you gain or lose weight, your body stores fat by making these same fat cells larger or smaller—not by changing the number of fat cells. What liposuction does, on the other hand, is actually remove some fat cells from a specific “problem area” in order to modify your body’s contours.

Here’s where the question of “is it permanent?” comes in: the fat cells which were removed with liposuction will not grow back. So liposuction is “permanent” in the sense that these cells are gone. However, you will still have some remaining fat cells in the treatment area as well as throughout the rest of your body, and these cells can just as easily enlarge with weight gain as they did before your surgery. So while your post-liposuction shape is expected to be permanent, gaining weight can diminish your results.

The best way to maintain the best possible results from your liposuction is to keep a healthy diet and exercise routine. You should also keep in mind that liposuction isn’t for everyone. It’s ideal for people who don’t necessarily want to lose weight, but who just have one or a few areas of stubborn fat which haven’t responded to diet and exercise. For some patients with a particularly small area of fat to be removed, my Band Aid Liposuction is a minimally invasive option as well. If you want to lose weight, I would advise you to reach your weight loss goal first and then use liposuction to “fine tune” your new contours. It’s also important to note that liposuction solely focuses on fat removal and does not address lax or sagging skin, so if you want firmer skin along with a reduction in fat, a combination of liposuction and my Band Aid Tummy Tuck, Band Aid Arm Lift, or other skin-firming procedure may be the best way to achieve results you’ll be happy with in the long term.

Plastic surgery is a team effort between me—your board-certified plastic surgeon—and you, the patient. For the safest and most successful results, it’s important that we communicate candidly throughout the process; that I do my part to perform your procedure well; and that you do your part to help your body heal and to keep your results looking their best. If you’re ready to get started, schedule a consultation at my office. Or, for more plastic surgery tips and special offers, follow me, Dr. John L. LeRoy, on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+.