Dr. LeRoy Discusses How Plastic Surgery is Gaining Popularity with Male Patients

When Dr. LeRoy opened his practice back in 1992, it was pretty rare that a male patient would end up on his operating table. Traditionally, women have been the sex more concerned with looks and have dominated the field of cosmetic products and procedures. In recent years though, men have begun to make their mark on the industry: having a greater interest in fashion, beauty products, and even cosmetic surgery.
According to a study by the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) 17 percent of men look at plastic and cosmetic surgery more favorably than they did 5 years ago – a sign that slowly and surely, men are beginning to close the gender gap in the plastic surgery industry.

While men choose to undergo plastic surgery for many reasons, the most common reasons we see at Dr. LeRoy’s practice include: wanting to look younger and be more competitive in the workforce, getting rid of stubborn fat resistant to diet and exercise, and subtly correcting the signs of aging.

In 2009, an ASAPS research study found that Liposuction, Rhinoplasty, Blepharoplasty (eye lid surgery), Gynecomastia (male breast reduction), and hair transplantation were the top 5 most common cosmetic surgery procedures.

Most of these procedures, and many others, are available at Dr. LeRoy’s practice. For more information about these procedures, including expected cost and recovery time, contact our office.