The Benefits of Combining a Facelift and Eyelid Surgery


Common Cosmetic Problems around the Eyes and How to Treat ThemMost tasks are typically accomplished with greater success when there’s teamwork involved. Plastic surgery is no exception to this concept. Dr. John LeRoy has decades of experience with combining cosmetic procedures that complement each other and ultimately produce more comprehensive results. One of the most effective pairings of cosmetic procedures for patients who have experienced noticeable facial aging is a facelift and eyelid surgery.  

Who is a good candidate for a facelift/eyelid surgery combination?

People experience aging at different rates and locations on the face or body. The ideal candidate for combining a facelift and eyelid surgery is a patient who has multiple features that are simultaneously showing wear. This includes wrinkles, facial droopiness, excess skin around the eyes, and more. The most accurate way to determine if this is the right option for you is to schedule an in-person consultation with double board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. John LeRoy. During your visit to our office, Dr. John LeRoy will carefully assess the type and extent of your aging to determine if the combination of a facelift and eyelid surgery is the best course of action for you.   

What are the benefits of receiving both a facelift and eyelid surgery in one session?  

Essentially, you can increase the degree of cosmetic results and consolidate the recovery process if you combine a facelift with eyelid surgery. Dr. John LeRoy performs his Band Aid Mini Facelift and Traditional Facelift to tighten sagging skin, fade facial creases, and eliminate jowls around the jawline. When its combined with eyelid surgery, patients will also have their sagging skin above upper eyelids and fat pockets under their lower eyelids safely removed. With all of the incredible improvements achieved in one concentrated period of time, the results can take years off of a person’s appearance, while still looking natural. 

Giving patients more flexibility with Band Aid procedures

Who doesn’t appreciate more options? Years ago, Dr. John LeRoy developed his signature Band Aid Mini Facelift to offer a more subtle alternative to the traditional facelift. However, he didn’t stop there. He also created a Band Aid Eye Surgery that follows the same philosophy for patients who want slighter improvements on their facial features. Both the Band Aid Facelift and Band Aid Eye Surgery cut the cost and recovery time while still de-aging multiple areas of the face. They’re performed in-office with gentle numbing, so they fit easily into a busy schedule.

If you want to refresh your look, you might want to consider the combination of a facelift and eyelid surgery. If you have questions about any of the cosmetic procedures previously mentioned or you’d like schedule an appointment, contact our office at 404.843.0840. Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter for more information about cosmetic procedures and updates on monthly cosmetic specials!