How Do I Know if I Need Breast Reduction Surgery?

After treating patients for over two decades, Dr. John L. LeRoy has consistently encountered people who have waited to receive a breast reduction surgery because they weren’t sure if it was the right fit. Because a breast reduction might not be as popular as a lift or augmentation, the procedure might not be as understood. Therefore, it could greatly benefit many individuals to learn about the different reasons for receiving this surgery.

Does a Breast Reduction Always Require a LiftIs This Procedure Exclusively for Women?

Breast reduction surgery can help both men and women safely remove excess breast tissue. Some men develop gynecomastia during adolescence that causes them to develop excess fat or glandular tissue in their breasts. This condition can be a source of embarrassment and anxiety for those who haven’t been treated. Thankfully, a breast reduction surgery can safely remove targeted breast tissue to create a more contoured and toned shape.

Health Complications That Can Stem from Oversized Breasts

Although the cosmetic aspect of oversized breasts in both men and women is important to consider, they can also cause more serious health risks for women. This is why it’s highly recommended that you have an in-person consultation with an experienced board certified plastic surgeon if you suspect that your breasts are causing discomfort. Here are some of the common issues that women with oversized breasts can experience:

  • Back and shoulder aches
  • Neck stiffness
  • Poor circulation
  • Frequent migraines
  • Breast asymmetry
  • Exaggerated drooping

How Breast Reduction Works

Once you’ve met with Dr. LeRoy to establish your cosmetic goals and reached a decision that a breast reduction is right for you, the procedure starts with general anesthesia before a careful incision is made around the areola and then down to the crease of the breast to create an anchor shape. This allows for excess fat and tissue to be safely removed while the nipples are repositioned to a more proportioned location. Dr. LeRoy has over two decades of experience with the specialized technique of effectively minimizing scarring to produce the best possible results.

A breast reduction gives people the option to feel more comfortable in their own skin. For more information about this procedure, contact the Dr. LeRoy’s office by calling 404-843-0840 to schedule an in-person consultation. Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter to receive updates about our monthly specials.