Light Up Holiday Gatherings with Beautiful Skin and December Savings

With the arrival of the holiday season comes the presence of giving in communities all over Atlanta. This December, Dr. LeRoy is thankful to share special times like these with you and is extending his special savings on Band Aid Skin Tightening packages.

Now through December 31st, 2013, save when you purchase a package of 5 Band Aid Skin Tightening Treatments for $1,250. The body’s collagen production is stimulated when the power of Protégé skin firming technology heats the deeper dermal layers of the skin, making Dr. LeRoy’s Band Aid Skin Tightening technique a unique approach to anti-aging. In most cases, patients see younger-looking, firmer skin in just a few treatments, with optimal results visible in five treatments. Dr. LeRoy’s complete line of minimally invasive plastic surgery procedures are for patients who may not feel ready for traditional, more comprehensive facelift procedures, but are still seeking natural-looking rejuvenation results.

For this month only, you can also save on popular facial fillers through December 31st. With a special rebate, you can save $50 on Restylane® (2 mL minimum, 9mL maximum) or $100 on Perlane® (2 mL minimum, 6 mL maximum). Please call our office for more details.

To learn more about the minimally invasive Band Aid Plastic Surgery procedures that Dr. LeRoy performs along with facial fillers such as Restylane®, be sure to contact his office today.  You can also stay abreast of the latest minimally invasive anti-aging treatment options by connecting with Dr. LeRoy on Facebook,Twitter, and Google+.

Dr John LeRoy Atlanta plastic surgeon