What Kind of Scarring Can I Expect After My Facial Plastic Surgery?

After over twenty years of helping patients be their most confident and beautiful selves, I’m no stranger to the concerns patients have before plastic surgery. While everyone experiences their own unique set of emotions at their initial consultation, there are a few questions nearly every patient asks, like, “What kind of results will I get?”, “How long will my recovery take?” and, last but not least, “What will my scars look like?” That last question tends to weigh heavily on patients’ minds. After all, the purpose of cosmetic surgery is to help you feel more confident in your appearance, and extensive scarring could quickly lessen that effect. To give you an idea of what to expect, I’ve created a summary of my most popular facial procedures and the scars that each may cause.

Woman looking in mirrorBand Aid Facelift
One of the advantages to choosing a minimally invasive Band Aid Facelift over the traditional facelift is the ability to use a smaller incision and, as a result, leave a smaller scar. Your surgery is based on the area(s) of the face you want to target, but a Band Aid Facelift typically leaves a discreet scar above the ears, at the nape of the neck, or under the chin.

For patients who need a more dramatic improvement than the Band Aid Facelift provides, a facelift can be the better choice. During this procedure, the incision is usually placed within the hairline and extends from the temple, around the front of the ear, and ends within the lower scalp. When performed by an experienced double board-certified plastic surgeon, the scar is typically flat, inconspicuous, and easily hidden by hair.

Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty and Band Aid Blepharoplasty)
When blepharoplasty is performed to minimize excess skin above the eyes, which gives the eyelid a “hooded” appearance, the incision is concealed within the natural crease of the eyelid. Lower eyelid surgery, on the other hand, is typically used to reduce “bags under the eyes.” If this only requires removal of the localized fat deposits, the incision may be made inside the lower eyelid to eliminate any visible scarring, but if sagging skin will be removed, the incision will be placed just below the lower lash line.

Band Aid Brow Lift
For patients who want to focus on rejuvenating their forehead and brow area, my Band Aid Brow Lift uses a minimized incision which is concealed within the hairline.

Scars from nose surgery will depend on your aesthetic goals. If the procedure will focus on the underlying structure of the nose, your incision will either be made in the underside of your nose through the tissue between your nostrils, or it will be made inside your nose, leaving no visible scarring. If we will be adjusting the size of your nostrils, the incision will be placed within the natural crease of the nose.

Ear Surgery
Otoplasty improves the appearance of ears which are either too large or protrude too far outward from the head. In most cases, the procedure can be completed with a small incision in the back of the ear.

Neck Lift
For patients who are only looking for a slimming effect, liposuction can remove excess fat from the neck with just a few tiny incisions. However, for a neck lift which will also include firming the skin and repairing the underlying muscles, the incision is typically made in front of your earlobe and extends into the lower scalp. An additional small incision may also be made underneath your chin.

While every surgery will leave a scar, one of the advantages of working with a skilled and specialized facial plastic surgeon is knowing your surgeon will prioritize keeping the scar as small and discreet as possible. You can also help your incisions heal as cleanly as possible by following all post-surgical instructions carefully. To start discussing your plastic surgery and the results you can expect, schedule a consultation with me, Dr. John LeRoy. Or, for more helpful information, special offers, and news about cosmetic surgery, join us on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+.