Dr. John LeRoy has performed over 2,600 traditional facelift and Band Aid Facelift procedures during his surgical career. The procedure, known as a rhytidectomy, involves a plastic surgeon removing sagging skin on the face and neck, tightening underlying muscle, and relaying the tissue for a smoother, younger appearance. The challenge with the facelift procedure is that, if a surgeon is not adequately experienced, a facelift can produce an over-corrected, unnatural appearance.
Realizing that there are additional factors besides experience that effect the results of a facelift, plastic surgeons began implementing “mini” (partial) facelift procedures that treated isolated areas of concern (i.e.- wrinkles on the brow with an upper facelift (browlift), sagging jowls with a lower facelift, etc.) These mini procedures also made younger patients (i.e.- those in their 40’s and 50’s) eligible candidates for the procedure because their entire faces were not yet exhibiting the signs of aging – only certain areas.
These partial procedures also enticed patients with their smaller price tags. Some “mini” facelift procedures only require local anesthesia and abbreviated recovery time. Patients however, need to be particularly cautious when selecting a plastic surgeon to perform a “mini” or partial facelift. Though the goal and process of all “mini” facelift versions might sound similar, the true quality of its result depends on the surgeon’s experience and their attention to detail.
In 1997, Dr. LeRoy created his Band Aid Facelift in an attempt to distinguish not only the procedure, but also his meticulous technique. Unlike some of the other similar sounding, cleverly named mini facelift procedures other Atlanta plastic surgeons offer, Dr. LeRoy carefully targets only the areas patients are concerned about. This method, no matter the patient’s age, yields a natural looking rejuvenation. Patients look like themselves, only younger.
A recent survey by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) found that over 12.5 million cosmetic surgery procedures were performed last year in the US alone. The estimated number, found through random polling of physicians around the country, is higher than any other previously recorded number – a testament to the rising popularity and availability of cosmetic surgery in the US.
This number may come as a shock to some, who perceive cosmetic surgery as a “luxury” – but in fact, advancements in minimally invasive surgical techniques, such as Dr. LeRoy’s “Band Aid” procedures, have made cosmetic surgery more affordable to the average American than ever before.
In fact, you may have read last week’s blog on Dr. LeRoy’s original Band Aid Blepharoplasty. The fact that the procedure can be performed in-office with only local anesthesia contributes to its cost effectiveness and shorter recovery time.
But with this impressive number, comes an important warning: Just because a medical physician offers a cosmetic surgery procedure, does not mean that they have undergone specialized plastic surgery training. You want to make sure that you only receive cosmetic surgery from a physician that is a board certified plastic surgeon – ensuring they have received the proper training and have acquired enough needed experience.