Plastic Surgery Trends: Is the Pippa Butt for You?

john leroy mdPlastic surgery has come a long way during my nineteen years as a plastic surgeon. When I first opened my Atlanta practice back in 1992, plastic surgery patients were much quieter about the procedures they pursued. No one wanted to be connected with the negative social stigmas that people associated with plastic surgery patients. Betty White’s comment that we discussed in a previous blog about how plastic surgery makes people unrecognizable is a perfect example. What was once seemingly reserved for the stars of Hollywood is the ticket people now use to look like their favorite stars. I’ve found, however, that patients are most satisfied with plastic surgery results when they choose procedures based on their own concerns and aesthetics rather than someone else’s.

Like your mom always warned you growing up, fads and trends are forever changing. Due to the permanent nature of plastic surgery results, it’s important to have the right perspective when pursuing plastic surgery instead of conforming to trends. With the right perspective, patients can conduct the research necessary to find the appropriate procedure for their needs as well as the right plastic surgeon to perform the procedure.

Research is a very important part of plastic surgery. You can hear all about botched cosmetic surgery and cosmetic surgery gone too far just by watching the news, so rather than telling you what could happen with an unqualified plastic surgeon, I try to teach my readers how to prevent it. Board certification by the American Board of Plastic Surgery is of upmost importance when you’re looking for a plastic surgeon. Once you’ve determined that the prospective surgeon is board certified, then you should spend some time looking into the procedures he or she regularly performs, closely inspecting plastic surgery before and after photos of the procedures that interest you. Then, it’s important to schedule consultations with a couple of surgeons to get to know them a little better and determine whom you feel most comfortable with.

I perform a variety of cosmetic face, body and breast procedures like facelift, tummy tuck, liposuction, breast augmentation, and breast reduction. However, I do not perform the recently popular Pippa Butt Lift. Even if I performed cosmetic surgery of the buttocks, I do not encourage my patients to follow such trends. While you may be satisfied with trend surgery results for a time, once the next trend comes along patients are usually left unsatisfied. I also try to teach my patients that there are times when less is more with plastic surgery, which is why I created my original Band Aid Facelift in 1997. The Band Aid Facelift is a “mini” facelift procedure that can be performed in my office using only gentle numbing. Since then I’ve extended my menu of Band Aid Procedures to include Blepharoplasty, Brow Lift, Tummy Tuck, Liposuction, and now even Laser Skin Resurfacing.

Next time you hear about plastic surgery trends and what your favorite Hollywood stars are doing, I encourage you to think realistically about what would make you happy in the long run and research to avoid plastic surgery regrets. To learn more about procedures I perform, visit my website. Be sure to connect with me on Facebook and Twitter for plastic surgery news and updates.